VERSA Studios Partners with Cloud Imperium to Launch the UK’s Leading Permanent Motion Capture Studio in the Heart of Manchester’s City Centre
Work on the studio began in June 2022, to create a bespoke production home for Cloud Imperium Games at VERSA Manchester Studios, enabling the company to further develop their UK operations. The Motion Capture Studio is part of a larger Cloud Imperium Games campus in Manchester that joins with studios in Austin, Frankfurt and Montreal, with Cloud Imperium Games’ headquarters in Los Angeles.
Cloud Imperium Games’ motion capture team has taken up residence in VERSA Manchester’s 4,300 sq ft Studio 6. Gaming content for both its crowd-funded Hollywood calibre story-driven, single-player, space simulation game Squadron 42 and its massively multiplayer universe simulation game Star Citizen, renowned for their boundary-pushing visuals and extraordinary fidelity, are shot in this new state-of-the-art motion capture studio facility to ensure the highest-quality gaming experience.
British Cinematographer
Prolific North